YES! Until recently, forerunners who brought Tachyon back to earth used "chambers" to imbue the Tachyon into objects. They would place the objects to be Tachyonized within these chambers where the energies within would imbue the objects over a period of several weeks. It is an effective method, but a slow and antiquated process...given that Tachyons travel faster than light.
In 2015, a newer, cutting edge method of Tachyonizing was channeled to Tachyon Living through the Diamond Oracle Holly Powers Matthews, utilizing a high alchemical processes to access the Quantum Fields. This "team of light" ranges from 6th to 12th dimensions consisting of many star nations, including the Pleiades, as well as the Elohim, Ascended Masters and the 12th Dimensional Euphorics. We channel the Tachyon fields directly from Source to ensure the highest, deepest concentration on the earth.
In January of 2011, I awoke to a beautiful divine being floating over my bed. She said her name was Ti'Onne ( a 12th Dimensional Euphoric and Ascension Specialist) and she stated that she wanted to talk to me about Tachyon. She communicated with me about the importance of Tachyon here on earth. I had several questions since I had never heard of Tachyon as this was all brand new to me. Then she asked the all-important question...."Will you take this as a mission to "Flood the earth with Tachyon"?
I was already so busy with my practice (Psychic, Mentor, Healer, Mom, Grandma) that I didn't know how I would fit it in.... so I said back to her, "I will under one condition...that you send in teachers to guide me through the process." She said, "Of course" and then departed.
In retrospect, I had a great deal of work ahead of me....More than I could even imagine.
Exactly as she promised, mentors came in and continued to teach me about Tachyon and how to bring it to earth using several processes of imbuing Tachyon into physical products. It was like taking advanced calculus courses at night as the visions came, sometimes lasting over 7 hours at a time.
I was shown several ways to be able to bring in the Tachyon through very advanced templates becoming successful with each new way of loading products with Tachyon. Within a month, I began doing product research and developing basic Tachyon Products. It was an exciting time to feel Tachyon for the first time with its very unique frequency which to this day never ceases to amaze me! As more advanced possibilities of Tachyon come "online" to me through visions and higher dimensional teachings we continue to be on forefront of Tachyon possibilities.
In 2013 I met a devoted soul who was searching for a new outlook for his abundant energy and knowledge. After inviting him to join me in developing Tachyon, he quickly embraced the challenge.... spending 100% of his time and energy over the past 8 years expanding Tachyon Living and Tachyon Chambers. We have learned so much as we delve into wonderful and exiting world of Tachyon.
We continue to be amazed and astounded by what Tachyon living can do for you. It's why we are so dedicated to you...our valued customers. You are our team members along this journey in helping to flood the earth with Tachyon.
We believe that the call to action for the Guardians of Tachyon was sent to many spiritual leaders, knowing full well that one person alone would not be able to.... "Flood the entire earth with Tachyon." We are appreciative of the teachers and mentors in the spiritual realm who are so true to teaching and assisting us by showing us what Tachyon can do through visions and 'spiritual workshops'.
Also, we are so thankful for our Distributors, Tachyon Chamber Owners and Affiliates and Customers who have taken upon themselves the exciting path of sharing the wonder of Tachyon with others, as well as the other individuals who have brought forth Tachyon through different companies. WE HONOR ALL OF YOU!
We are so thankful that we were invited to participate in this all important service to humanity as we find ourselves loving what we do and meeting the most wonderful people daily.
We believe in the power of the collective. We issue the invitation for all to come together in love and harmony and support. Let's be grateful for each other in a field of oneness and love. Tachyon is for everyone...


Our Tachyon Living Team is continually being taught new techniques of how to create highly concentrated effective flows of Tachyon directly into our products. Through a proprietary method using what is referred to as the "Mishium Effect", our Tachyon Living Products broke through the old paradigm and are able to now create stronger, more intense fields of Tachyon within physical matter.
As earth's inhabitants continue evolving and awakening, the need for stronger Tachyon is necessary to move through all of the changes happening on earth as well as the human body advancing in its DNA and form. Star seeds respond especially well to Tachyon, therefore as the Star seeds continue to grow in light and truth, the Tachyon fields must reciprocate that by getting stronger. We listen carefully for any new updates on energy, flow, and power of the Tachyon needed for earth and her inhabitant's ascension process.

In 2019, Tachyon Living brought Source Love Connection to each and every Tachyon Product. Prior to 2019 Source Love energy had been added to the Tachyon Chambers and Tachyon Power Rods. With the success of that beautiful, more powerful frequency addition, customers began asking for more products made with Source Love.
The addition of Source Love Connection to our product line gave our customers a whole new adventure in working with Tachyon. This double spiral golden helix of Source Love unites perfectly with Tachyon, improving the overall experience in connecting to specific dimensions.
With Source Love in all our products, the high vibration flowing from Mother/Father Source Creation creates fields of love and protection within the Tachyon Fields. This allows for positive flow of the Tachyon and protects our customers from being used in any way that might be nefarious.
With Source Love Connection, you can rest assured that you have fields of protection, positivity, healing with Divine Love, and a broader range of experiencing higher dimensionalities for your spiritual growth. This higher vibrational energy brings about such peace and love/bliss fields that you won't want to be anywhere without your Tachyon!

- Having blind tested our products with a team of ultra sensitives, 97.5% chose Tachyon Living Products over all other brands on the market.
- Our products emanate Tachyon up to 3X's stronger than any other products available.
- Protection fields of Source Love for pure positive Tachyon Particles
- Tachyonize your own products with Tachyonize Packets
- Premium quality products at the lowest prices
- Best customer service for your Tachyon Needs
- Cutting edge of innovation and creation in Tachyon Products
- Tachyon and Crystal Chambers
The Tachyonize Packets also allow for clothing and bedding to be Tachyonized in your own home or office saving you up to 90%.
We have currently completed our research and development on Tachyonizing large amounts of items at remote locations. This allows you to begin your own business of sharing Tachyon with the world through your own product line(s).
(Please contact us if this sounds interesting to you! 602-899-2800)

Tachyon Living Chambers have 150 lbs of pure quartz crystal spheres surrounding the pyramid and crystal generator. There doesn't need to be walls with a system like this. The sacred geometry connects all the elements together for a wonderful Tachyon Session. The energy pouring in from the portal creates a large Field of Tachyon Energy Particles around the recliner.

Each session is calibrated specifically for the individual, so that you receive your star team and spiritual family specific to you.

Tachyon Living's high-quality products are more affordable and backed by an unconditional 60 day money back guarantee. We include FREE USA SHIPPING with any order over $70!
PLUS....(75% discounted) DHL and UPS Air Express Shipping worldwide guarantees you rapid delivery and affordable shipping of your orders.
It is our goal and passion to support you to create the best Tachyon Product experience by getting your products to you as quickly as possible.