

  1. Tachyon profoundly promotes spiritual development and in many cases has quickly opened up spiritual channels (3rd Eye).
  2. Tachyon heightens spiritual and psychic awareness and helps to gently access all emotional memory blocks for mental and emotional release.
  3. Tachyon deepens the meditation experience profoundly.
  4. Tachyon assists in developing greater visual and audio abilities psychically.
  5. Tachyon assists in out of body experiences, in a positive, pleasant manner.
  6. The Tachyon consciousness works in perfect alignment with your own particular mission and accelerates your ability to align with your purpose here on earth.
  7. The Tachyon Consciousness can teach and guide you.


  1. Tachyon restores chakra and meridians to a "Healthy Zero Point".​
  2. Tachyon accelerates the body's natural capacity to heal from illness or disease.
  3. ​Many have reported that fields of Tachyon increase their physical and mental stamina.
  4. Tachyon may increase stamina so you feel rejuvenated.
  5. Tachyon profoundly affects the DNA by regenerating and activating the higher DNA strands that are currently coming online in ascending humans.
  6. Tachyon promotes pain relief.
  7. Tachyon assists the body in mild but needed detoxification.
  8. Tachyon is wonderful for:
  9. Anxiety issues
  10. ADD, ADHD and Autism
  11. Circulation
  12. Diabetes
  13. Carpal Tunnel
  14. Back Pain
  15. Releasing pain
  16. ​Many other physical ailments
  17. Deeper quality sleep​


  1. Tachyon Living Products amplify your desired goals and intentions.  
  2. Tachyon works beautifully and harmoniously by amplifying crystals and gemstones natural attributes as well as those that have been imbued.
  3. You can use Tachyon during healing sessions to amplify the results....to clear all resistance and to amplify the energy of the healing being used.
  4. Place Tachyon in your wallet or purse next to your money and allow it to amplify the field of abundance for you.
  5. Use Tachyon to amplify and "announce" your goals.

Tachyon harmonizes harmful Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF's) generated by such items as:
Microwave Ovens
WiFi Routers
Cell Phones
Hair Dryers
High Tension Electric Transmission Lines
Computer Screens, Laptops, iPads
TV's, Smart Meters...
and many other electronic devices around your home and workplace


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