I received this beautiful transmission for humanity and was invited to make a poster to go with it. Please read and ponder the channeling below. ~Offered in Divine Love, Holly Powers Matthews

The Tachyon Decree © Copyright Tachyon Living 2024

"Light warriors and Creators of Earth…UNITE! In order to issue in the New Earth Star Humans, your ability to come together and work as one is essential to the formation of a collective body that stands for truth and light.
How do you begin to unite when all around you seems so unsteady and the feeling of loss of hope and freedom rings?
We invite you to create a unity energy field of pure light, love and freedom within you in this now moment, as it emits the light codes of the fields of Tachyon and truth to your cellular remembrance of the powerful being which you are. Feel this downloading through your body with strength and joy in the highest possible frequency of love you are able to receive. Let this cellular restructuring be of the best and highest advancement for you own ascension codes as well as the higher code of Collective Consciousness of light teams holding the new formats of the Star Human Race.
May we suggest forming your own decree of that which you desire, and then gather and share with others who hold that same decree to work with the fields of Tachyon Manifestation in bringing forth an energy field to radiate this to the whole of Gaia your beautiful earth?
Tachyon fields are Zero Point fields that are waiting to be filled with manifestations. These fields are programmable and await instruction for the masses to receive the desire of their hearts through pure creation fields. Decrees made within Tachyon Particles will rapidly manifest, uplift and radiate the strongest creative aspects of your soul’s desires. You may use the energy of the Tachyon "Title of Liberty" poster to enhance your decrees.
This Title of Liberty should fly high, above all other forces of entrapment and magnify freedom to the whole of the earth, its continents, its countries, its cities, and its entirety for the upcoming release from the realms of darkness.
Let this Title of Liberty for New Earth state the truths of light…that all who reside on this planet be equal in nature, that true balance of rights for all who desire peace be magnified throughout this Universe, beginning with the patrons of earth.
Decree this as your NOW format that forms as universal law.
Let this peace ring out and override the false agenda of power over, overriding service to self-agendas and overriding loss of hope or helplessness. Decree this title within your homes and let the peace ring out in strong manifestation waves. Find peace with your neighbors, your families, yourself as a way to create pockets of energy pulsing peace throughout the world.
Decree that fields of love radiate stronger than the fields of hatred. Let love ring loud and strong, inviting all to understand the higher laws of love available to those who are seeking unity.
Let love be the core of all you stand for, all you invite, all you live...as you share your voice and live your motto. Love will always win over fear. Love will conquer all. Love will radiate respect and peace to all when you are in its presence.
Decree that you are all equal, unique and vital to holding peace and love as that is the energy which that invites, respects and creates abundance for us all.
Please be patient with others and yourself as this energy grows. It will take a number of light holder’s gridding the earth with this decree to hold and lock in this NEW Earth "Title of Liberty" energy into manifestation.
One light worker holding this energy of love, respect and peace can radiate wide and large to those within their spheres of manifestation. Its success is much like your 100th monkey theme...a few standing strong holding this energy, manifesting its power through example, and living each day within its fields of the presence of Tachyon Particles can rapidly create the New Earth in a much higher frequency.
As you open your hearts and let this light of Liberty, truth and love flow, it overrides the natural man’s formative thinking into higher waves of unity.
It opens the doors to the higher collectives engaging and holding the light for those caught in lower density.
As you work together holding, holding, holding this as the new decree floods the earth, filling in the dark places with light, newness of beliefs, freedom, liberty and true oneness you will see the face of the earth evolve to its higher form.
This New Earth will radiate the energy herself along with the light workers and the fields of Tachyon will manifest this NEW Earth every moment… inviting more and more to come to the higher light for their own acceleration of moving into harmony with the light decree. It begins with one, then a few, then the tipping point of shifting the world to a greater sense of purpose in the Universe.
Freedom rings, truth abounds and those who are not within that resonation will find themselves surrounded by those of higher thinking, higher purpose and higher light. They will find it uncomfortable to hold darkness as the light ensues. They will find themselves desiring to be in unity with the light, or remove themselves to another density that fills their desires.
Your ascension codes are voluntarily given to each one of you, to forget, or to utilize and radiate. As you decree your own laws of light and love, respect and peace, unity and oneness, this is a unified field all those who desire can enter into. Invite, invite, invite!
Be clear about your words, be clear about your creation, be clear about your actions and radiate. Radiate, Radiate, Radiate.
Let love pulse from your very core.
Let peace be your constant state of being and invitation.
Let freedom be immersed within every cell of your body to radiate this Title of Liberty.
Let your life be an example of that which you desire, that truth you hold onto and of that you are free to radiate.
Find these strands of fiber within and weave a flag for others to see and connect to. Be unified in your desires and radiate."
~The DIA Collective as channeled through Holly Powers Matthews © Copywrite Tachyon Living 2024
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