


The correct way to use Tachyon Living Products are to use them with positive intention. Tachyon will work with you beautifully even without an intention as it knows what to do for you to assist you in healing. However, Tachyon is a living consciousness field. It responds when it is acknowledged and directed.

First, hold the tachyon product for a few minutes to fully saturate your body with the tachyon. This works whether you feel it or not. Once you are saturated, you can then begin to invite the Tachyon to assist you in manifesting that which you desire for your best and highest good.
For those of you who may not feel the Tachyon right off, please keep working with the energy regardless. Most will feel it instantaneously. Others it may take several weeks or even a month to feel the energy. Just keep working with it daily...and you'll have success. Many times those who are around computers or high EMF fields a lot may find it a little more difficult to feel, but once they have cleared and healed their aura field of those lower vibratory fields, will find the Tachyon surging through them.

The Tachyon will clear and balance your chakra and meridians within minutes. Many feel it like a tingling or wave movement. Some experience a feeling of the body heating up (due to the cells vibrating much faster). This passes quite quickly leaving you in a wonderful bliss state.

If you want to let the Tachyon auto guide you, you can just say, "Tachyon, please do your thing" or "Tachyon, please bring to me the insights as to how to reach my highest potential."
The Source Love Connection added to the Tachyon Field will bring about such love, wisdom and understanding.
All of Tachyon Living Jewelry has stainless steel in it. There is no extra care needed for these chains, bracelets, pendants. They will last for years of use.

Please be careful with the crystal or glass products as they will break if dropped.
You can place most Tachyon Products in a zip lock bag and place it in a bath for a wonderful bathing experience.
You can sleep with any of the Tachyon Products. Please note that for some, the energy will keep them awake. Others it will assist them into a deep sleep with powerful dreams. Some will place the Tachyon under their pillows, mattress or even on the floor below their bed. Some find it nice to put down by their feet. You'll need to figure out what works for you. Keep trying until you find the right position for them.
If you have any questions about the use of your Tachyon Products, please feel free to call us to assist: 602-899-2800.
Below, Bethany Londyn has a wonderful meditation and suggestions for using Tachyon Products.

How to Use Tachyon Power Rods by Bethany Londyn (Tachyon Affiliate)

I prefer to connect to Source Energy, Light, God, Universe, all one of the same and then Mother Earth before making requests. In Get Aligned Now, I share the importance of connecting to the light before working with any other spirits to maintain the highest vibrational truth and light integrity. So I encourage that connection first and then making a request for connection to the tachyon energy.
From here, you can make your requests to have the tachyon clear out blocks, work on your soul self, work on manifesting, cell regeneration, and so much more. I will be creating some additional articles and meditations for those who choose to move forward with purchasing them.
One thing to note is that before requesting manifestation work, command the tachyon energy to remove the blocks, obstacles, beliefs, and judgments that are in the way. Also, don't forget to continuously show appreciation and gratitude before making additional requests.
"Tachyon energy, please increase tachyon throughout my body."
"Thank you I feel it." (When you feel it of course, and if you don't remove blocks to feeling.)
"Tachyon energy, please remove all subconscious beliefs, conscious beliefs, learned patterns, and blocks that are surrounding my abilities to acquire __________________. "   (A raise, abundance, prosperity in all ways, loving relationships, etc.)   Make sure only to request one and then practice gratitude before next requests.
"Thank you so much."
Then you can move on to your specific manifestations requests.
"Tachyon energy, please increase ease and manifestation energy within me."
"Thank you."
"Tachyon energy, please work with my vibrations to align me to manifesting ____________"
"Thank you so much."
"Tachyon energy, please remove all subconscious beliefs, conscious beliefs, learned patterns, and blocks that are surrounding the concept of aging and my body's ability to regenerate healthy and harmonious cells." 
Make sure that you feel fully connected to the light, your heart, and the resonance of tachyon energy running through your body's programs as you make each request. It's not just stating it and considering it done. 
Feel it, embody the energy, and allow the shifts to start taking place.