Holly: I recently saw a license plate TI ON 111. I figured you would like voice with me!
Ti’Onne: Alas dear one, with a leaping heart and with great joy I entertain your awareness with messages of hope.
The shifting of the narrative has begun.
Hope is beginning to shine forth into truth expressions among many in your country as well as what will be rapidly following in the rest of the countries on earth.
The rising up and speaking truth phase has begun as the valiant warriors from the past have endured so much in trying again and again to bring into awareness of the false narrative of division, hate, greed, selfishness as well as the personal agendas of service to self in those who profess to be leaders protecting the masses.
What will follow will be a huge down pouring of information so saturating that many will become overwhelmed with grief and confusion as their belief systems are uprooted through recognition of the lies that were told.
With that said, there will be many of the light agenda stepping up to the forefront now to share truth and light and love and service to mankind.
With this vibration being supported by all of the incarnated star nations, earth angels and many others who have incarnated to hold the light, continued meditations and seeing the truth amplified into actuality will be even more attended to.
Greater concentration on the desire and preparation of entering into the 5th Dimensional frequencies will increase at a much greater population of those who are desiring a deeper awakening and awareness of who they really are.
Many are speaking about ‘The Event as if it is something that will happen all at once and all will be brought into complete ascension mode.’
The event now is the process of many droplets of truth coming forward at the same time. What was a light drizzle is now becoming a downpour bringing into focus that which has been hidden and withheld from the masses keeping them in further blindness all for power and control over.
Your December 21st of 2022 marks the 10 year anniversary of the extension period granted to earth to see what the light team could do to bring about a greater awakening of the masses. Because of the prayers and work of the lighted ones in 2012 and every day since, that extension to allow more souls to find their way to spiritual truths has been ongoing.
The earth and her people have reached a peak of awareness that has tipped the scales into a new direction an upgraded timeline for Gaia and her awakened souls to generate the 5th Dimensional field in all its glory. Many souls are finding themselves within the first levels of the 5th Dimensional living while a few others on earth are holding 6th, 7th and 8th dimensional frequencies.
These souls that are holding the higher dimensional aspects above the 5th dimension are creating the new levels of advancement within the 5th Dimension. Currently designed and existing are 6 levels within the ascending 5th dimension. These are inhabited by souls who know how to hold the templates steady while continuing to create them as a 5th dimensional society. These souls are holding the new diamond templates of the 5th dimension and bringing it into solidity in a more refined physicality.
This nothing short of phenomenal.
Our hearts go out to each and every one of you in your meditations, your prayers, you’re seeing into being the higher love and light that is available to all.
By holding and emanating this field of hope and creation, you have surpassed all expectations of what a small group of enlightened souls can do when holding love (even when it was just done in private, person by person in your dedicated practices.
This was not easy by any means as so much distraction was thrown at you every second of the day trying to keep you from holding your high vibration and concentrating on all that was wrong in the world.
By holding hope and love and emanating that, your higher vibrations combined have lifted the hold of the dark agenda ones having broken through the barriers of non-disclosure. What will continue to flow forth will be more acts of black flag events as you call them.
We desire for each of you to ask yourselves in these dark flag events of sadness and oppression to rewrite these stories as soon as you see them.
Rewrite, within the fields of tachyon to bring about a new story where the hero wins, where all are safe, where truth is found, where love takes over and heals.
If there are enough light workers bringing forth the rewriting of the story, the power of the dark agenda will become almost null. They will lose their power over the people as no one will believe them. They will be ignored and thus will either change their pathway or hold relentlessly onto it to see the devastating outcome they’re creating in their desperation.
What is so exciting dear one, about this development is that the presence of your higher vibrational light brothers and sisters can be made more known in this world.
People will awaken by seeing ships coming to support them, to assist them and to offer love as well as a family connection energy from a galactic source.
These continuous sightings and lifting of the veil will to allow others to see and know for themselves that many loved ones from the galaxy and beyond are here. This continued ‘show of love’ will lower the fear levels of many and help them see that those from higher dimensions are not coming to enslave, rather to gently watch over and assist if invited. As this becomes more common place to the whole of the earth inhabitants, they will see that the interaction is friendly and noninvasive.
Gaia herself…lifts again in vibration as the people embrace the knowledge and acceptance of higher light and knowledge being gifted to them in love.
We rejoice now because of the huge barriers you have all had to endure to get to this last leap of vibration.
As a whole, please continue to just hold…hold in your fields of hope and love and creation to continue to rewrite the stories you don’t want to play out with negative results (even if that means rewriting the stories within your own lives to create new and positive outcomes of the stories that have held you bound or hurt).
We desire now to assist you by offering upgrades to your auric field and light body progression as a celebratory level has been reached. We desire more and more celebratory upgrades in the future for all of you. If you are ready to receive, please speak aloud, “I am ready to receive the further light, knowledge, truth and healing from Source through the white light pillar from the 12th Dimensional Euphoric Ascension Specialists.”
We now invoke the 12th dimensional pillar of white light from the heart of Source to completed surround you connecting this pillar of white light to the center of Mother Gaia. We release these higher vibrations to cleanse you from any emotion you desire to release…to purify your lives from troubled situations and people who may desire to bring you down in vibration…to strengthen fields of hope…to initiate even more in-depth healing to your mind, emotion, body and soul structure.
- Receive now the tachyon particles into your space and allow DNA clearing repair and upgrades to be done.
- Receive the clearing of past lives now.
- Receive the clearing of Genetic Lines through your DNA now.
- Receive the opening of your heart chakra in a peaceful, loving and healed way.
- Receive now a greater opening to hope and the power of creational living through your intensions and decrees.
- Receive now a large sieve like energy of the violet flame to come down through your crown chakra and sieve out your heavy, sad emotions, sieving now the mind memories you want to release.
- Sieving out now the emotional elements that created damaged geometrical structures in your in your physical body to hold onto unrepressed emotions that are embedded themselves in the body.
- Releasing, releasing, releasing.
- New stories come online to your freshly renewed brain functioning.
- All areas of release are filled with diving love energy.
- All cleared areas of the body now contain a new patterning of creating new outcomes to the old stories…with happy endings.
- All belief systems that were limiting are now seen as untruth, for…
- You are an unlimited being, a spark from Source, a devotion to higher living, higher love fields and deep forgiveness.
- Trust the words coming out of your mouth to be said with divine forethought, divine intentions and with the energy of invitation for others to receive if they so desire.
We are here, we are ever present, we are in love with humanity and we know that you’ve got this wrapped up as you continue to hold these truths as a way of live. And so it is and so it shall ever be…”
With intense love and compassion,
Ti’Onne (Euphorics Ascension Specialist and Tachyon Expert, DIA Team (DIA T)
Channeled through Holly Powers Matthews 11/20/22
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