
New to Tachyon?   See below questions...

Frequently Asked Questions about Tachyon

We always suggest theMega Power Rods or thePower Rodsas your first purchase.  They are our Strongest Tachyon Tool on earth and assist in bringing healing and high vibration to any and all who use them.  We also suggest having Tachyon on the body at all times.  Our suggestions for this are: Tachyon Vortex Pendant,Tachyon Crystal Merkaba Pendant,Tachyon Flower of Life Pendant,Tachyon Health Bracelet,Tachyon Power Discs orPower Meditation Cells.

From a metaphysical standpoint the benefits include:Increased ClarityIncreasing psychic abilityAssists in vibrational frequency accelerationHelps in clearing and releasing energy blocksClears the aura field for easier meditationRelaxes the bodyAssists crystals in amplification of energyDetoxification assistance for optimal healthHarmonizes Chakra System​From a physical standpoint the benefits include:Pain and lethargic symptoms decreaseNatural healing of the body occurs much fasterOrgan recovery healingHealing and vitality are assistedMemory and concentration ​increaseBody is assisted in detoxificationEnergy blocks are releasedHarmonizes  EMF in the body and aura field

Two out of every 3 people CAN FEEL the Tachyon, so you may be one of those who don't feel it.  Even though you may not be able to feel it, your items are fully imbued with Tachyon.   We invite you to work with the Fields of Tachyon through these meditations:  (CLICK HERE  and scroll down to the meditations).Prior to working for Tachyon Living, one of our now executives couldn't feel the Tachyon.  For 3 months he continued to pick up the Tachyon Products and test to see if he could feel them.  One day, he was able to feel them and he was ecstatic!  That veryday he asked to become a promoter and now is one of the main executives here at the company. The Tachyon will work with you to lift the blockages (sometimes EMF or long exposure to computers/technology) to let the Tachyon flow through you at a state you can recognize.  Even if you cannot feel the Tachyon, it is there and it will work wonderfully for you.  Just trust that it is working and manifest away to abundance and healing in every area of your life!Click Here to see if you can feel Tachyon.

You may wish to sign up for our Newletter which will offer discounts on certain occasions.  At the bottom of your screen look for the newsletter sign up button..... WE WILL NEVER EVER SELL OR DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION TO ANYONE

Tachyon Living's tachyonization process is permanent. Tachyon goes down into the subatomic level and cannot be washed out, boiled, scrubbed, rinsed, shattered, chemically altered or any other removal process imaginable.  It will never fade or go away.  It is an eternal imbuement.  It cannot be removed from a product once it is put into it.  ​Think of it this way…. If you imbue Tachyon into a large glass vase and then drop it onto the floor and it shatters….. The collection of the pieces put back in a box will have the same amount of Tachyon energy emanating from them that they had before the vase shattered.  It’s in the subatomic structure and cannot be changed by the shape of the product or anything else.

This is a proprietary method.  Guardians are sent to earth to maintain the purity of the Tachyon Field.  Right now this information is not yet mainstream, but when the population gets to a certain vibrational frequency, the process of tachyonizing will become public.  We will be the first to share this information with the world once we get the prompt to. 

In our surveys we found that 2 out of every 3 people can feel tachyon from Tachyon Living Products.  This is a much higher average than most companies which average 1 out of every 3 people.  Regardless of whether you can feel the tachyon or not, it is there working behind the scenes.  As you continue to use Tachyon, you will eventually begin to feel it...and when you do, it is such a thrilling moment.  One of our founders here at Tachyon Living, could not feel the tachyon for almost 3 months.  Once he did, his love for the Tachyon became insatiable and he has become one of our greatest promoters.  

Tachyon will do what it is supposed to do, unless you are specifically intending for it to not work.  If you can enter into the fields of Tachyon maintaining a neutral observer mindset, you will assist the tachyon in doing its job.  It works to clear chakra energy centers on the body, balance the meridians, repair and or upgrade the DNA strands to a healthier state, enhance spiritual abilities and much, much more.

We have a page devoted on this question.  Please go to: HOW TO USE TACHYON

We have never heard of Tachyon doing harm to anyone.  We have heard of people having mild detoxes from long exposure in the beginning of getting use to tachyon.  If you are detoxing, tachyon is doing its job.  If you don't need to detox, you will not get the symptoms.  Usually more water or a nice epsom salt bath will do the trick.  (Use 1 cup of epsom salt to bath water.)

There are two kinds of Tachyonization:   Primary (Permanent) and  Secondary (Temporary).  ​Primary Tachyonizationis when an object is imbued directly with the Tachyon Fields and becomes a permanent emitter and radiates Tachyon energy.Secondary Tachyonizationis when an item or object is placed next to or sitting upon a Primary Tachyon object and begins to absorb the Tachyon particles and energy. It may hold Tachyon energy for a time but this may eventually wane. 

Questions about Tachyon Properties

Some souls who are awakened with high vibrations are able to access Tachyon Particles.  As to the rest of humanity, they are still in the becoming stage!   Very soon...these protective restrictions will be lifted from the whole of humanity and the Tachyon Fields will run freely to all.  For right now, the earth is receiving the Tachyon fields through those who have been commissioned and prepared to flood the earth with Tachyon through the sacred alchemy they have received from their advanced guides sharing as much as they can, supplying pure Tachyon Products to all earth souls bringing them to a process of awakening.  Quite simply, this is the best way to slowly introduce Tachyon back into the earth in a way that can be directed positively for the benefit of mankind.  We do have the alchemical technology available for permanent Tachyon Fields and are just waiting for it to be released when Earth and her inhabitants are ready.

Our addition of Source Love added to the Tachyon to create a protective field for using tachyon.  We are the only company in the world that uses this method.  With the addition of Source Love, we find that our products cannot assist the dark...or they will become void for that user.  Also, our levels of tachyon saturation into the products come at higher levels.  The star seeds here on earth need that higher concentration to assist in holding the highest of vibrations here on earth.  The continued growth of the imbuement of tachyon in higher concentrations is continually monitored and upgraded by our resident Diamond Light Oracle who receives information continually on the newest information the world can receive. Click Herefor more info...

To read more about this,CLICK HERE

CLICK HEREfor more information  

Click Herefor more information. 

Questions about Tachyon for Healing Purposes

  1. Tachyon restores chakra and meridians to a "Healthy Zero Point".​
  2. Tachyon accelerates the body's natural capacity to heal from illness or disease.
  3. ​Many have reported that fields of Tachyon increase their physical and mental stamina.  
  4. Tachyon may increase stamina so you feel rejuvenated.
  5. Tachyon profoundly affects the DNA by regenerating and activating the higher DNA strands that are currently coming online in ascending humans.
  6. Tachyon promotes pain relief.
  7. Tachyon assists the body in mild but needed detoxification.
  8. Tachyon is wonderful for: 
  • Anxiety issues
  • ADD, ADHD and Autism 
  • Circulation
  • Diabetes
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Back Pain
  • Releasing  pain
  • ​Many other physical ailments
  • Deeper quality sleep​

HOW DO i  USE TACHYON IN MY OWN HEALING or with clients?Have  Tachyon on or near your body is a great way to amplify the healing energies you are working with.  Many practitioners have aScarf on their healing bed, or lay it over the client when doing their specific modality of healing.  A great favorite is to hold theTachyon Mega Rods in your hands, or if laying down, lay them on the body or near the neck and head area. Using theGlass Chakra Cells  or the Tachyon Chakra Discs is another great way to balance your body's chakra systems and place healthy Tachyon Particles into the chakras for an overall feeling or relaxation and wellness.Placing aPractitioner's Wand on the body, or waving the Practitioner's wand over the area that needs attention is another profound experience for the healer and the healee.More advanced healers may want to choose thePrana Wand or theVogel Wand.  These give off a very laser-like application of Tachyon in an intense form.  Layman can use both of these wands as long as they keep them moving, and have a strong intention of what it is they'd like to see happen.  Personally, I use them to remove tumors on the body, both inside and outward on the skin.

Tachyon for Spiritual Acceleration

  1. Tachyon Living Products amplify your desired goals and intentions.  
  2. Tachyon works beautifully and harmoniously by amplifying crystals and gemstones natural attributes as well as those that have been imbued.
  3. You can use Tachyon during healing sessions to amplify the results....to clear all resistance and to amplify the energy of the healing being used.
  4. Place Tachyon in your wallet or purse next to your money and allow it to amplify the field of abundance for you.
  5. Use Tachyon to amplify and "announce" your goals.

Click Herefor meditations about manifestation with Tachyon.

​1.  ​Tachyon profoundly promotes spiritual development and in many cases has quickly opened up spiritual channels (3rd Eye).

2.  Tachyon heightens spiritual and psychic awareness and helps to gently access all emotional memory blocks for mental and emotional release.

3.  Tachyon deepens the meditation experience profoundly.

4.  Tachyon assists in developing greater visual and audio abilities psychically.

5.  Tachyon assists in out of body experiences, in a positive, pleasant manner.

6.  The Tachyon consciousness works in perfect alignment with your own particular mission and accelerates your ability to align with your purpose here on earth.

7.  ​The Tachyon Consciousness can teach and guide you. ​

This is such a great question.  We'll break it down in parts...
1.  When the Healer has tachyon on their body during a healing session, the tachyon will clear and prepare the healer for the session. 
2.  The Healer will be assisted in the healing session by having the tachyon remove ALL resistance to whatever is holding the client back.
3.  The Healer's own healing modality of energy will be amplified:  reiki, prana, star nation assistance, etc.
4.  The Healer's own manifestation for the clients "Best and Highest Good" will be manifested.

When the Client has tachyon on them during a session:
1.  The client will immediately have all their chakras cleared and balanced.
2.  The client will have all their meridians balanced.
3.  The client will have all levels of resistance removed in the zero point field.
4.  The client's own manifestation will be amplified.

Tachyon takes a healing session to the next level...with astounding results.

Naturally, if you have tachyon on the body, your own vibration will raise continually.  Your sense of well being and purpose will arise.  Using tachyon during meditations or while sleeping will continue to raise your vibration.  As the body cells vibrate faster and higher, your capacity to navigate into higher dimension will occur naturally.  Tachyon accelerates and opens the 3rd eye, tones you empathic abilities, activates your higher heart chakra in preparation for channelling, clears past, present and future lives and promotes multi dimensional communication.

Are All Tachyon Companies the same?

First...what makes our tachyon products and packets so different is the concentration levels of tachyon particles fields that imbue into the products themselves.  Our concentration levels of Tachyon are 3 times stronger than any other tachyon products available today. Secondly, Tachyon Living is the only company that has Source Love added to Tachyon.  This incredible high frequency of love,  protection and communication accompany the fields of Tachyon to ensure the safest, most pleasing Tachyon on earth.  Our Tachyon Particles will only work for the best and highest good for all.  No other Tachyon Products worldwide offer Source Love with their Tachyon.  Also, our products are of superior quality with the lowest price on the market. We guarantee our products fully and our customer service is bar none the best.  

Yes, we have both a distributor and affiliate options. 

Choose the distributor if you want to purchase the Tachyon Products to have to sell in your business for those point of sale purchasers.  This comes with a variety of entry points for discounts.
Choose the affiliate if you have a large mailing list or you just want to have us drop ship your customers order directly to them.  This gives you a 20% profit on everyone who clicks on your link and purchases.

​We offer a 60 day undcontitional money back guarantee on all our our Tachyon Living Products.  

No.  Each company has its own manufacturer of their specific tachyon products.  Each company has different levels of tachyon saturation and methods of placing the tachyon into products.

How do I use Tachyon?

​​​​Wear it.  Sleep with it.  Meditate with it.  Place it in your environment to hold high vibration.  Charge water with it.  Put your food onTachyon Mega Plateor theTachyon Food Mat.  Some tachyon products can go into your bathwater or hot tub.  Drive with it in your car.  This is why we call the company Tachyon Living.  It is the integration of Tachyon into the whole of your lives, living with tachyon daily.

Tachyon is a living consciousness.  It loves to be interacted with in a two way communication.  Address it, state your desires, ask it to assist you, thank it.  Invite it to amplify your crystals, your intention and manifestations, specific healing areas needed in the body, or to just 'do its thing'.  

Questions about Tachyon Packets

Because this is a proprietary method and due to the guardian nature we have currently with the fields of Tachyon, we will explain as much as possible.​Through marrying advanced spiritual interaction (the DIA team: Divine Intelligence Assembly through our Resident Oracle) and the most advanced technology to date, we are able to connect to Tachyon Energy Portals and direct them to your specific packet permanently Tachyonizing only the items that have been sealed inside.  A proprietary and powerful sheet inside the Tachyonize Packet targets the exact location allowing your items to receive Tachyon exactly as they would be from our own Tachyon processing facility.

We have spent years developing and perfecting the process of navigating Tachyon Energy Portals to any location on earth. Our specialized proprietary process provides the highest level of Tachyon energy into your personal items from crystals to clothing to jewelry to bedding and many other items.  ​  We desire only your address, name, email address and serial number/activation code of the packet you have purchased. Once that information has been provided and your Portal Code number has been received we will email you when we are able to open the Portal to your particular packet and the streaming of the energy has begun. Once the Portal opens, it will run for 24 hours fully imbuing each and every product in the packet with the highest level of Tachyon permanently tachyonizing every item in the packet.

​​Tachyon Living has over 140 different products in their product lineup and even though they are wonderful high-quality products.....certain products may not be the exact style, size, color, shape or material you're looking for. This is really relevant when you are looking for Jewelry or Clothing items....even  certain crystals.  Your own personal items are unique to you and exactly your taste.  Good News...you now have the ability to Tachyonize them upon request. Additionally…there are thousands of items that are tachyonizable, i.e. expensive jewelry and fine rare gems including diamonds along with hundreds of clothing and bedding items. Even your socks and Tennis shoes. This makes www.tachyonize.com the only wayto Tachyonize your precious and personal items within the safety and security of your own home or office while still maintaining your taste and style.

​Unfortunately No. Once the packet has been used to to activate the Tachyon Energy Portal, it must be discarded. Currently these are one time use.  We are in the process of creating and testing a permanent Tachyon Portal Generator for in home and office use.  You can email us if you are interested in something like this so we can put you on the Beta Testing list once the item is ready for mass testing.

Once your items have been permanently imbued by the Tachyon Energy Portal Packet, they are yours to do whatever you wish with them. You can sell, share, trade or give them away.

No. This is a very simple process. Just follow the enclosed instructions that come with your packet.Place your items inside of the Tachyonization Packet, seal the packet shut and then go to the ENTER CODE page on www.tachyonize.com/enter-code.html. Fill in the form and Click the SUBMIT button which will send the information of your Packet to us.Once we receive the information we check it against the registered information received when the Packet was purchased.If everything matches we return an email back to the email address included in the packet purchase and  we activate the Tachyon Energy Portal.  Once the activation process has started you will receive an email showing the time of the activation beginning and your items will be fully and permanently imbued with Tachyon 24 hours later.PLEASE USE ONLY ONE e-mail ADDRESS TO PURCHASE AND ACTIVATE as they need to match. 

It depends on the size and structure of the item being imbued.  In many cases the Tachyon imbuing will be done much sooner than the 24 hour period, however, we always recommend that you leave all the items inside of the packet for a 24 hour period after receiving the start of activation email to ensure enough time has transpired allowing for email delays, time overlaps and possible confusion of time zones. 24 hours ensures a 100% successful process..... Always.  If you do not receive an email letting you know your Packet process has begun within 2 hours of sending the code info in, please call or email us.  There is a good chance that your email was sent to your spam folder, or perhaps an incorrect email may have been entered.  Please contact us if you do not receive the email.  DO NOT OPEN THE PACKET if you have not received the email.

We have never had to Tachyonize something twice as this process has been perfected over years and works 100% of the time. 

Each packet clearly indicates what size it is.  You may wish to cut out two papers of that size and tape three sides together to see if your item can fit in it and still be able to tape the 4th side closed.  When in doubt always go to the next bigger size. This guarantees all your items will fit inside with a room to spare for possibly even an extra item.  Our largest clothing packet has a 5" gusset at the bottom so you have plenty of room to stack your items.

Your item will fit if you follow the simple guide on the homepage that says: PACKET SIZES.  Be sure to create a mock up of the Packet size by creating the packet size with paper and taping the 3 sides shut.  If you can get your items in by the sizing provided and make sure that a flap can fold over and seal it all completely, you will know the packet size you have chosen will work.When in doubt always order the next larger size packet to be rest assured that your item(s) will fit.  If your particular item does not fit simply email: info@tachyonize.com  and we will arrange for a credit to upgrade to the next larger size for you.​You can also call customer service at:  480-454-6900  We do not provide refunds for the wrong size packets.

As long as you follow the simple instructions the Tachyon Packet contents are always complete 24 hours after you receive the activation email.  This email is time stamped and activates the beginning of the streaming process which is always complete 24 hours after it begins.  Most of the time we are able to start you packet right up after sending in the code, but on occasion, it may take several hours to begin the tachyonization process as we are a worldwide company with different time zones to work around.  

​We ship to all countries on six continents that have an address which has access to delivery from a Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx. Sorry Antarctica.

Don't see your question here?  Please email us below with your question.