The Tachyon Chamber is a unique place where a portal of Tachyon Particles is permanently opened to pour Tachyon particles in at very high levels. These intense fields of Tachyon are like being underneath a waterfall of 'energy.'
Tachyons are faster than light particles, working at the sub-atomic level. They have a profound effect on the human body, energy field, emotions as well as the mental and spiritual makeup of a person. Tachyon works directly with your DNA to initiate repair and upgrade the body's template. Tachyon also works to assist in manifesting the life you want and amplifies your desires and intentions. It's the Zero Point field of high vibration where neutral energies clear blockages and accelerated frequencies into spiritual dimensions are attainable. The Tachyon field culminates almost effortlessly into higher light and knowledge...into higher vibration and truth!

Our Tachyon Living Tachyon Chambers are unique due to the very high amounts of Tachyon saturation within the chambers. Also, Tachyon Living Chambers are the only chambers on earth to connect to Source Love i.e.
(Mother / Father God) for a field of the strongest protection and love energy added to the Tachyon Field. This is done for a protection to those who enter so that only the best and highest good can come for that person manifesting within a chamber. The Professional Chambers are also protected having a personal attendant from the 12th Dimension Ascension Experts. This adds a lovely facilitator to your Tachyon experience assuring the most amazing possibilities.
Tachyon Living's Tachyon Chambers create a permanent portal where the Tachyon streams through the pyramid and crystal generators into the core of Mother Gaia (earth) through a vast amount of spiritual templating.
In Tachyon Living Chambers, walls are not necessary to contain the tachyons as the pyramid etherically extends down to the foundation of the earth. This creates a huge energetic field containing a tachyon saturation field. However, most of our Tachyon Chambers are in a room of their own. A field of Tachyon does not need borders. The 'walls' of Tachyon can be etheric but very real when concentrated into a specific area through the pyramid.
In addition, special use of a series of sacred geometries were formulated then added to the most cutting edge 'Michium Technology" in the Tachyon industry to bring about a Tachyon Chamber experience that many have described as an "Out of this World Experience". There are layers and layers of carefully built in templating to create the perfect environment for a Tachyon Chamber.
Tachyon Living Tachyon Chambers receive continual upgrading for the ascending human race to keep the star seed children here in the strongest tachyon fields available. This is constantly being monitored for the greatest Tachyon saturation in our ascension process. Since all Tachyon Living Tachyon Chambers are interconnected, any upgrades given through Channel are naturally integrated into every Tachyon Living Chamber.
"The earth humans are on a fast ascension path and the star seeds are needing more and more exposure to tachyon. We find that longer sessions in the Tachyon Chambers with higher saturation techniques are growing with the ascending star humans. This needs to be continually monitored so more tachyon saturation can enter earth as it continues along its journey to becoming a star nation and place of continual love and peace within the 5th Dimension."
"Each Tachyon Living Tachyon Chamber connects to Gaia and surges tachyon continually into the the ley lines of Mother Earth, bringing Tachyon deeply into the earth in that area. The Chambers link directly to the crystal core of Mother Gaia enhancing her abilities to assist in our ascension process. Each Tachyon Living Chamber built connects to all the other Tachyon Living Chambers, forming a connective grid of light to the earth. For those looking to purchase a chamber, they will feel the "Call of the guardian" and will have a strong desire to learn more about becoming a Chamber Owner/Guardian. This is a mission they chose before incarnating to further our ascension here on earth.
Tachyon Living Tachyon Chambers does differ slightly from other companies in the way we add Source Love to our Chambers and products. Source Love ensures protection and light of those who enter the Tachyon Chamber...and saturates the visitors in a Love Field from Source. In the ancient times of Atlantis, Tachyon was accessed by those supporting the Dark Agenda to use for nefarious purposes. In a Tachyon Living Tachyon Chamber, the Tachyon will become inactive if it is being used for anything that is not in the best and highest good for not only the individual, but also for humanity as they are in their process of ascension. The Source Love addition to the Chambers enhances the Tachyon and the Tachyon enhances the Source Love Energy and healing. It is such a beautiful 'marriage' when placed together for the highest experience in a Tachyon Chamber.
All Tachyon Living Tachyon Chambers have passed through testing and then retested again once placed on site to ensure the highest levels of tachyon particles are being maintained in their Tachyon Chambers.
~ Holly Powers Matthews, Oracle Channel for the DIA Collective and Tachyon Consciousness
neutralizes and harmonizes
the negative effects
of harmful electro-magnetic fields (EMF)
within and around our bodies.
Benefits of being inside a TACHYON CHAMBER
- Pain and lethargic symptoms may significantly decrease
- Natural healing of the body occurs much faster (up to 1/3 faster)
- Muscular, skeletal, circulatory, nervous, lymphatic, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, urinary, reproductive systems as well as cells, tissues and organs...are replenished, recharged and rejuvenated. Multiple sessions may be required for more serious imbalances.
- Memory and concentration may increase
- Body is assisted in a gentle, mostly mild detoxification
- Energy blocks are released from all layers and levels of the body and energy field
- Assists the repairing of DNA and the upgrading of DNA
- Mental, emotional and spiritual fields are cleared and charged with light particles and tachyon
- Significantly drops resistance fields promoting a healed state, enhances positive desires to complete healing
- Brings in negative ions needed for healthy functioning
- Strongly amplifies any desire or manifestation
- Harmonizes harmful EMF in the body and aura field
- Promotes deep relaxation
- Increases probability of unique spiritual experiences such as: Greeting loved ones that have passed, entertaining angels and Spirit Guides along with connecting to pets that have passed
Advanced souls can utilize the Tachyon Chamber to:
- Communicating with Archangelic, Higher Dimensional Beings and Source
- Using the Chamber as an upgraded Merkaba Vehicle to travel to various dimensions
- Learning of your Past Lives
- Understanding Concurrent Lives
- Understanding your Higher Selves Make-up
- Seeing into past, present and future events/timelines
- Soul retrieval healing and shamanic visions/clarity
- Clearing taken to a new level of comprehending, dimensional healing
- Understanding Light Language

Visiting a Tachyon Chamber
Be sure to check out the below videos of visitors to our Chamber.
Sheldon Watson visited our Tachyon Chamber. As you can see, he is surprised at how much energy was in the room!
Tashi Lam shares his experience
in the Tachyon Chamber.
Donna Whittington shares her experience of the Tachyon Chamber.
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